Digital Tools For People With Disabilities

Digital Tools For People With Disabilities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 650 million people live with some type of disability that can reduce their professional and personal possibilities. Although a large number of websites, apps, and electronic devices still do not meet accessibility standards, people with disabilities are progressing towards their digital and social integration on equal terms thanks to the development of technologies, support systems, and digital tools for people with disabilities.

How Do Digital Tools Help?

Digital tools help people with disabilities in two main areas of their lives: work and personal.

On the one hand, information technology favors their personal autonomy when it comes to solving problems and daily procedures. It also makes it easier for them to access information and job opportunities.

On the other hand, advances in this area allow people with physical or sensory disabilities to use a computer thanks to adaptive instruments, tools, and interfaces. With regard to people with reduced mobility, for example, the incorporation of facial or voice recognition helps to facilitate the transfer or entry into certain spaces.

In addition, digital tools also allow you to adapt homes and tasks more closely to your needs, for example, by voice to place an order at the supermarket.

 Digital Tools For The Hearing Impaired.

  1. Audio in text for WhatsApp: This allows you to transcribe all the audio received to WhatsApp.
  2. Pedius: allows deaf people to make phone calls. During the call, a voice reads what is written, and everything the interlocutor says is converted to text in real-time.
  3. Visualfy: it is an app that offers a solution to the multiple warnings (sounds) that are received daily on the devices, and that facilitates that this information in real-time arrives in a visual and sensory way.
  4. Deaf helps: this application helps deaf people by translating speech into text, thus facilitating hearing-deaf communication.
  5. Rogervoice: Caption the phone calls.

Digital Tools For The Visually Impaired

  1. BrailleBack: This application allows you to connect a compatible braille display to the device via Bluetooth. It is used in conjunction with the TalkBack application to provide a combined speech and braille experience.
  2. Google Talkback: it is an audio guide within the mobile system, with spoken comments on each menu and vibration to navigate Android.
  3. Speech Synthesis: allows a text to be translated into speech.
  4. TapTapSee: This allows you to take pictures of objects and for the app to identify what they are.
  5. Lazarillo: it is an app that uses GPS and informs about routes, environments, shops …

Digital Tools For People With Reduced Mobility

  1.  Accessibility Plus: allows you to find points of interest that have enabled facilities.
  2.  Accessible: This allows you to add those locations that are specially designed to facilitate your circulation.
  3. Serena Teleassistance: allows you to request help in the event of having problems both outside and inside the home.

Autism Apps: an app where you can keep up to date with the best applications that are being used with and by people diagnosed with autism, Down syndrome, and other needs.

For people with disabilities, the accessibility of devices and applications are essential tools to improve their quality of life and personal autonomy. Therefore, as a society, we must promote their learning, development, and insertion in their daily life.